About Us

What is Holiday with a Hero?
The purpose of the event is to foster positive relationships between youth and emergency services peronnel. This includes police officers, fire fighters, emergency medics, physicians and park rangers. Young children between the ages of 6-12 are selected each year to shop at our local Wal-Mart to purchase gifts for members of their immediate family. There is one condition – they must also buy a gift for themselves. Each child is given a small amount of money to spend. Approximately 1-2 children are assigned to each “hero”, who then accompanies them around the store and assists in selecting fitting gifts for each family member. After shopping, the children eat breakfast with Santa, have Elves wrap their gifts, and spend some time having fun with inflatable bouncy castles, face painting and spending time with their “hero”. At the end of the day each child goes home with a gift bag filled with a ham and goodies to enjoy with their family
The program started in the winter of 2014 with less than 50 children. Today there are over 70 children participate. We rely solely on donations for the event and are grateful to each sponsor. Over 100 volunteers participate in the day who are there to wrap presents, fundraise and assist through the day.
If you have any questions or would like more information please email info@holidaywithahero.ca
Volunteers Needed
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